Sunday morning we left our friends in Driggs after omelets and coffee and cruised north on I-15 back into Montana to Dillon. Dillon was the next stop on the tour and typically (and most humbly!) Red Ants Pants tends to steal the spotlight when we roll into town, but this time it was the homebrew keg and our party host’s band, Rabbit Stew. Our Dillon hosts, Amie and Dave, did a fine job of rounding up all their wonderful and musically talented friends to attend the backyard RAP party.

Amie could take the cake for one of the most talented women we’ve met. Jill of All Trades is a complete understatement. This wildlife biologist not only plays the standup bass, but also is a home renovator, skilled at woodworking, construction, painting and pottery. She and Dave have a very old house in Dillon and have spent many years pouring their efforts into its beautiful and lively remodel. And Amie also owns several pairs of Red Ants Pants that help her lay floors with wood she recovered from her family’s farmhouse in Nebraska.
In the mountain sunshine our guests gathered in the backyard, watching the kids run around in the garden, and the dogs wrestling in springtime excitement. The tasty homebrew keg didn’t last all that long with this group of Dillon folks! We moved inside as night fell and kids, husbands, moms, girlfriends, professors, fly-fishing guides, and hard workin’, fun lovin’ folks made their way to slide show portion of the evenings RAP festivities. Many couples in Dillon will now be sporting their matching RAP pants and apparently our pants have now remedied a flagrant plumber’s crack violation with one Dillon citizen. That’s right ladies and gentlemen, RAP is also improving the health and livelihood in your neighborhood.
Our night evolved into a live Rabbit Stew concert and it was well into the wee hours that we carried on, swaying and singing to the band’s versions of some of our favorite songs, including “Wagon Wheel”. Of course we’d like to thank Evan for maintaining the high levels of fun–he was a key factor in the night’s progression. It was a most special evening and we’re so thankful for the impromptu jam session!
We stayed up late, laughed our hearts out, and we’re moved by how simple and wonderful a community can be. Good food, good beer, and good friends (especially those who play the fiddle, guitar, bass, banjo, and washboard) all culminate into the fine makings of a most memorable evening. Our sincere thanks to the friends of Dillon. We’ll most certainly return to float the beautiful rivers of the Beaverhead Valley and enjoy a breakfast on the front porch of Amie and Dave’s!
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Just wanted to say thanks again for putting d-town USA on your RAP road trip. We had a blast! The pants have been covered in lamb shit and everyone at the ranch keeps asking if and when i am ever going to wash them. they are awesome and have literally been saving my ass this lambing season. kenda and i will try to snap some RAP lambing shots. hope to see you gals again soon! sarah